KI Science Park members get 15% discount on all registrations.

Nordic Life Science Days is the largest life science partnering event in the Nordics. NLSDays gathers big pharma executives, investors and CEOs of biotech, pharma and medtech companies and discusses the road ahead for the life science industry.

KI Science Park show our support for the conference as a conference supporter. This agreement also implies that KI Science Park’s members benefit from a 15% discount on all registration categories and periods. Contact to receive the promotion code.

Reminder: Early Bird Registration (until 31 March 2024), Regular Registration (from 1st April 2024 until 30 June 2024) and Late Registration (from 1st July 2024 until the event).

2023 numbers

Attracted 1640+ delegates representing 900+ companies and organizations from 30 countries.

Gathered 150+ investors.Facilitated more than 3,400 face-to-face meetings held during the 2-day conference, which were booked through the One-on-One Partnering platform.

Offered our largest-ever developed exhibition, with 150+ showcasing companies, organizations, and countries.Enjoyed the support of more than 140 sponsors and partners.

Nordic Star Pitch Competition

To make room for up-and-coming actors, we’re opening the floor for high-potential ideas that may become the next big thing.

Small and medium-sized life science companies in the Nordics are invited to apply for the Nordic Star Pitch Competition, where they will have the opportunity to pitch to an audience of investors and big pharma scouts.

20 selected Nordic SMEs get to pitch their novel inventions during NLSDays 2024, get free access to the One-on-One Partnering system – and compete for attractive prize packages.

Different prizes will be awarded on stage during the closing ceremony.

Application period: Apply here: