Last year, there were a record number of relocations of Life Science companies on Campus Solna – and the relocation is just continuing!
During Q1 2021, we welcome three new neighbors in the area. The move has gone to Scheele’s road for Atrogi, which is developing a first-class drug for type 2 diabetes. At AWL – Innomedicum, we welcome FindOut Diagnostic, which develops, manufactures and distributes diagnostic self-tests and KI Innovation’s incubator company SeqCure Immunology, which develops a cellular immunotherapy method for curing advanced cancer.
80 life science företag på området
In 2020, almost 30 new companies moved to the Solna campus. And at present, about 80 Life Science companies are based in the area. The majority of the companies moved to the co-working environment AWL – Innomedicum area’s new innovation environment with both lab and office.
– We have a record year behind us in terms of the number of companies and the interest in moving here continues. In 2021, much of the work will be focused on filling the Retzius Laboratory – here are the most advanced labs and the target group is small and medium-sized companies. For micro and start-up companies, there are other premises depending on needs, says Sara Gunnerås, community manager at KI Science Park.
Ny broschyr om vad som är tillgängligt
Recently, the real estate company Akademiska Hus released a brochure about the premises and what is available in the area for companies. Here you can see more which labs and office premises are available in the area today.
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