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Using Public-Private Partnerships for Discovery, Development and Delivery of Vaccines

May 3, 2024 @ 14:00 - 15:15

The International Vaccine Institute (IVI) invites you to the scientific symposium: ‘Using Public-Private Partnerships for the Discovery, Development, and Delivery of Vaccines’.

Recent pandemic outbreaks have underscored the urgent need for enhanced global cooperation to tackle future threats and develop safer vaccines. With over 27 years of experience in building cooperation between public and private sectors, IVI has been instrumental in facilitating vaccine development and improving health access for vulnerable populations worldwide. In line with its commitment to strengthening international partnerships, IVI is opening its permanent office in Stockholm on 3rd of May 2024. To commemorate this milestone, IVI organizes a symposium aimed at fostering dialogue and collaboration in vaccine research and public health initiatives.

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The symposium will offer an opportunity to learn from some prominent scholars within vaccine development and public health about several examples of cooperation that resulted in the successful deployment of vaccines and saving lives worldwide.


Jan Holmgren, senior professor of medical microbiology, renowned for his groundbreaking research on cholera, will share his insights of oral cholera vaccine development – from discovery to delivery in low- and middle-income countries.

Dr. Manki Song, Deputy Director General at IVI, will address the topic of vaccine self- sufficiency in Korea and the collaborative role played by IVI.

Dr. Anh Wartel, Director of the IVI Europe Regional Office, will offer her prospective on IVI’s mission and goals in Europe and discuss how IVI works using public-private partnerships.

The symposium will conclude with a panel discussion, focusing on current challenges of vaccine development for chikungunya, a viral disease that is causing large-scale outbreaks around the world.

About the event and contact

The event welcomes scholars, experts and policymakers to join and explore how various financial support models and partnerships can help facilitate deployment of vaccines for world’s most vulnerable populations. Professor Jan Holmgren from Gothenburg University, renowned for his groundbreaking research on cholera, is the keynote speaker at the event.

For accreditation to the event as a journalist, please contact Elena Krivovyaz Communications Manager, Europe Regional Office | E-mail: elena.krivovyaz@ivi.int

More about IVI

IVI is a non-profit international organization established in 1997 at the initiative of the United Nations Development Programme with a mission to discover, develop and deliver safe, effective and affordable vaccines for global health. IVI is headquartered in Seoul, Republic of Korea, with a Europe Regional Office in Sweden, a Country office in Austria, the Hong Kong Jockey Club Global Health Institute, and two offices to be opened in Rwanda and Kenya. IVI also has collaborating centers in Ghana, Ethiopia and Madagascar. IVI has 39 countries and the World Health Organization (WHO) on its treaty, including the Republic of Korea, Sweden, India, Thailand and Finland as state funders.

IVI created the world’s first low-cost oral cholera vaccine, pre-qualified by the WHO and developed a new-generation typhoid conjugate vaccine that is currently under assessment for WHO Prequalification. To date, over 56 million doses of these low-cost OCVs have been deployed worldwide. IVI’s current portfolio includes vaccines at all stages of pre-clinical and clinical development for infectious diseases that disproportionally affect low- and middle- income countries, such as cholera, typhoid, chikungunya, shigella, salmonella, schistosomiasis, hepatitis E, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and COVID-19, as well as antimicrobial resistance.

For more information, visit our website: https://www.ivi.int/


May 3, 2024
14:00 - 15:15


Andreas Vesalius lecture hall,
Berzelius väg 35, Campus Solna
Solna, 17165
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