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KI Science Park’s CEO and Business Leader Lunch

February 20 @ 12:00 - 12:55

Welcome to KI Science Park’s CEO and Business Leader Lunch!

Join us for this networking opportunity that combines lunch with influential minds!  

As always, we focus open discussions round the tables. A light lunch will be served.

The CEO and Business Leader Lunch is exclusively for CEOs and Business Leaders of our community. The purpose of the network is to provide a platform for insightful discussions, idea exchange, and potential collaborations. It fosters connections and strengthens the network among KI Science Park members. Here we also welcome new companies that joined our community.

An invitation is sent to members.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Contact Sara Gunnerås if you would like to know more about the network and how to join.


February 20
12:00 - 12:55


KI Science Park AB
View Organiser Website


Innomedicum, KI Science Park AB office
Nanna Svarts Väg 2, 4 or 6a, floor 4
Solna, 171 65 Sverige
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