KI Science Park’s office is located in the Innomedicum building, at Campus Solna. Welcome to visit us!
The KI Science Park team

Karolinska Institutet Science Park AB, Nanna Svartz väg 6A, SE-171 65 Solna
Invoices are emailed to: For questions about invoicing and finance, contact | Organization number: 556649-3754.
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KI Innovations
KI Innovations, with the innovation office for KI researchers and students, and an incubator for life science companies, is a sister company to KI Science Park. To get in touch with them follow this link.
Find your way to us
The Karolinska Institutet Science Park AB office is centrally located on Karolinska Institutet’s Campus area in Solna, in the Innomedicum building. We share premises with KI Holding and KI Innovations. You can easily get here on foot, by bike, bus or car.
Public transport
Stops for public transport are nearby. Feel free to use SL travel planner to find a suitable connection. The nearest stops are Karolinska Hospital Eugeniavägen (it is the stop outside the entrance to the campus area) and Karolinska Institutet Västra (the stop behind the library building).
Car and parking
As a visitor to Campus Solna by car, you have access to the visitor car park. We recommend the garage, Skruven, on Tomtebodavägen 5B with space for more than 550 cars both inside and out. The screw also contains charging stations for 32 electric cars. As a visitor, you have the opportunity to pay for your parking per hour or buy a monthly card. Contact Q-Park’s customer service on +46 (0) 771-96 90 00 to order. The garage is open 06.00 to 22.00 but your car can be picked up around the clock and the gate opens when you drive to it. Access to the garage is available through the access code that you receive upon payment or with a key card that can be ordered from Q-Park’s customer service. You can also park in Biomedicum’s garage, Solnavägen 11.
Closed entrance
Due to the construction of a new metro station, the entrance at the intersection Solnavägen and Nobels väg is closed. Visitors and employees are referred to the other entrances to Campus Solna:
- Vehicles and bicycle traffic are referred to the entrance at the intersection Solnavägen and Tomtebodavägen, alternatively the entrance Norra Stationsgatan / Tomtebodavägen.
- The temporary entrance on Solnavägen (behind the Nobel Forum building) which can be used by pedestrians and bicycle traffic.
- Pedestrians can also use the stairs from Solnavägen at Aula Medica and the stairs at Biomedicum.