KI Science Park DAY

A day for business and science to meet – to connect and inspire.

Join us at the annual KI Science Park DAY!

The KI Science Park DAY is a unique opportunity to connect, learn, and inspire. We are immensely proud that we have been entrusted to host the official award lecture by the winner of the Karolinska Institutet’s award for innovation and utilization.

This event is dedicated to sharing success stories and showcase the values of innovation, growth, and collaboration. Our goal is to expand and fortify the Life Science network and community.

Save-the-date for KI Science Park DAY 2024: November 13th!

We will soon be back with more information. Are you interested in being involved at the next KI Science Park DAY as a sponsor, partner and /or exhibitor, please contact us at

What to expect from the day

➤ Company presentations and knowledge sharing panels and interviews.

➤ Exhibition with business and innovation supporting companies  and organisations.

➤ Poster session with selection of academic research infrastuctures /core facilities.

➤ Grow your professional network and have a good time!


Collaboration is key to success!

Would you like to be involved in the next KI Science Park DAY? Get premium visibility at KI Science Park DAY through partnership, as a sponsor or exhibitor.

Contact us at

Previous Events


Sara Gunnerås
073-04 08 700

About KI Science Park DAY

KI Science Park DAY is organized by Karolinska Institutet Science Park AB. The purpose of the event is to be an arena for the Life Science sector, where business and science meet – to connect and inspire.