A Place to Start, Grow and Meet

Whether you are an innovator or entrepreneur just starting your journey, a growing SME or a corporate business, you find a variety of options when you consider Campus Solna for your relocation. Akademiska Hus is the major property owner on campus and also KI Science Park’s partner for office, lab space and meeting rooms. We are happy to help if you want to know more about Campus Solna and the advantage of joining our community: info@kisciencepark.se.


  • Coworking with both lab and office
    A Working Lab – Innomedicum.
  • Cost-effective office space
    Fogdevreten 2 (Hagaskolan)
  • Lab & office space
    Nobels Väg 3, Nobels Väg 16, Fysiologen, Innoventum Laboratory and Scheele Laboratory.

More information below and vacant offices and labs HERE.


The start-up and innovation hub on Campus Solna.

Innomedicum is the start-up and innovation hub on Campus Solna. Here start-ups, SMEs, business coaches, researchers, scientists and students meet, work, and collaborate. At Innomedicum you also find Waters Open Access Lab.

Karolinska Institutet’s innovation support is located in the building: KI Holding and KI Innovations with The innovation office and the life science incubator DRIVE. Here is also KI Science Park AB’s office.

Life science co-working Part of the building is a coworking environment for life science companies, A Working Lab, with about 40 start-ups and small businesses.

Most of KI Science Parks’ events take place at Innomedicum in collaboration with A Working Lab.

Contact us to learn more about this innovation power house.

A Working Lab

Start your journey here! Unique coworking environment with both lab and offices.

Akademiska Hus’ national coworking concept, named A Working Lab, (AWL), offers innovative environments for learning, work and innovation in the middle of campus. The environments should make it easy for businesses, researchers and students, actors to meet in new, flexible ways.

A Working Lab – Innomedicum is the coworking place for Life Science on Campus Solna where start-ups and small businesses share both lab space and /or office space.

More about the A Working Lab concept HERE.

Book a meeting room on campus

Flexible meeting rooms at A Working Lab – Innomedicum.

AWL offers a variety of meeting and conference rooms for hire on an hourly or daily basis located in the Innomedicum building. The rooms can host between 6 – 70 people, perfect for board meetings, seminars and even networking events. Internet, whiteboard and large display is included with the room hire fee.

Read more and book HERE.

Need catering for your event? Högskolerestauranger

Campus Solna

Akademiska Hus, the major property owner on campus Solna, is KI Science Park’s partner for office, lab space and meeting rooms. In total 45 000 m2 is today available for companies. The buildings are located side by side with Karolinska Institutet ’s modern laboratory buildings: Biomedicum and SciLifeLab. On campus you also find: meeting rooms, restaurants and cafés, Aula Medica, Nobel Forum, student accommodations, car parkings and bus stops, all nestled in a park-like setting.

Karolinska Institutet is the main tenant on Campus Solna. For some time now, there is an effort to also develop the campus area into an attractive arena also for life science companies and other actors that strengthen the science and innovation ecosystem. This initiative is supported through the collaboration between Akademiska Hus, Karolinska Institutet and KI Holding AB including the daughter companies KI Innovation AB and KI Science Park AB.

Map of Campus Solna HERE.

Page content updated October 11, 2024 SG